Top 7 Yellowstone Travel Tips


Top 7 Yellowstone Travel Tips

Last summer, we visited Yellowstone National Park. When I started planning our trip, I was overwhelmed by the size of the park and didn’t know where to begin. Here are my top 7 Yellowstone travel tips to help make the most of your trip:

1. Download the travel app, Gypsy Guide

Before your trip, download the travel app Gypsy Guide. Purchase the Yellowstone/Grand Teton tour. The app uses GPS to determine your location in the park. This is especially helpful since there is no cell service in the park. The audio tour starts based on where you are in the park, providing directions, history, stories, hikes and a dash of humor. Even my kids were entertained! It’s like having your own personal tour guide along for the ride. I recommend previewing the app before your trip. It’s a wealth of information loaded with suggested itineraries, trip highlights and tips.

2. Where to Start Your Trip

Yellowstone has 5 park entrances which spans 3 states – north, northeast, east, south and west. Most of the park is in Wyoming, but it also crosses into Montana and Idaho. When you start planning, first decide on what entrance you will use to enter the park and build from your trip from there.

3. Stay in the Park

If possible, try to stay in Yellowstone National Park. Yellowstone is ENORMOUS (2.2 million acres). Staying in the park saves a lot of time spent driving to the entrance, waiting in lines to enter the park. It also reduces time spent in the car driving to sites since things are not close together.

4. Start Early

Hit the road early! We were on the road by 8:30 am everyday (and were already in the park). Getting a head start helps to avoid crowds and traffic jams.

5. Check the Website for Road Closures

It’s not uncommon for roads to be under construction or closed (depending on the season) in the park. Check the Yellowstone National Park website for current road closures.

6. Take a Guided Wildlife Tour

If you can, take a guided wildlife tour. We opted not to because of the expense, but I’ve heard nothing but positive things. I’m sure it’s well worth the expense.

7. Old Faithful Observation Point Trail

When visiting Old Faithful, be sure to hike the Observation Point Trail. It’s a half-mile hike up, away from the crowds and provides a spectacular and peaceful view. We were able to watch Old Faithful erupt twice, once up above and once at ground level. We prefer the bird eye view!

If you are planning a trip, I hope these Yellowstone travel tips are helpful piece of advice for your next adventure. You can find a detailed itinerary of my Yellowstone and Grand Teton trip here.